2025 Already…

Now, usually, I don’t start the New Year until February, 1st, of each year and if you’ve read my previous, “1st Blog” of the year, then you will know this to be true. But 2024 was wild and crazy for us ALL. I know this to be a FACT thanks to those I follow on social media. Some of you, in fact!
2024 was a very telling year to say the least. Everyone’s true colors came out. A lot of us finally cut people off. Folks who we have been swearing each year to cut off. Last year we finally did it. We had a ton of ups and downs and it was really survival of the fittest. There were some days we didn’t know how we would make it to the next second. And for some of us, many of us, money was funny.
On the side of all’that, we lost a ton of Legends in Music, Television, Film, and more. I mean, sure, each year we lose many of our great ones but 2024 was crazy with WHO we lost:

Fat Man Scoop, Quincy Jones, Nikki Giovanni, Cissy Houston, OJ Simpson, Tito Jackson, Judith Jamison, Sheila Jackson Lee, Frankie Beverly, Rich Homie Quan, Carl Weathers, Wanda Smith, Willie Mays, Tony Todd, John Amos, James Earl Jones, Louis Gossett Jr, President Jimmy Carter.,. Just to name a few. May they All REST IN PEACE!
… But here we are. We made it. Not many did. No matter how hard we tried to stay away from the news, we couldn’t escape the sad and wild things happening. Worst of all, Trump was re-elected. *Pray for Us ALL. Except those who voted for him*

We cannot relive the past so, moving forward, this year I plan on traveling each month. It doesn’t have to be far but I want to explore different Cities and States, and bring you dope content plus, I just want to experience life while I’m here and able to. (Thank You, God). We cant wait for others to make time for the things we want to do. It’s OK to experience life alone. The older I get, the more I see this to be true.
Like a lot of us, I am not happy at work but I have to be there for now and that’s OK. A lot of us have jobs and careers we are not satisfied with. We drag ourselves into work after sitting in our cars talking to ourselves, saying whatever we need to say to hold our mental down for the next 8 to 10 hours, then we play at least 2 or more gospel songs before exiting our ride. Or if you’re like me and take the bus, you’re getting off a few stops early and walking while doing what I mentioned.
For those of us who want to start a business, our hours at work hold us back from doing what we need to do to execute our plans. It’s hard to balance. Then add a family… I have seen people quit their jobs and step out on faith to become entrepreneurs. I want to be that brave but as of right now, I am not. My back has been up against the wall too many times and so, if I can avoid it, I will… so I stay with a company that does not fully appreciate me.
My motto for this year is, I WILL THRIVE IN 20-25!
Thrive-> to Grow; Flourish… This year I plan on doing just that. One of my favorite poets, Rashad Wright aka @Write_Raw, says, “Day by Day, we getting Better and Better.” Whatever it takes to learn something new everyday. It’s always fun to start a new hobby. You can teach yourself how to play an instrument. Learn a new language…
While doing this we must also pace ourselves. I try sticking to 3 goals at a time. For example, in 2025 my goals are to focus on starting my Book CafĂ©, doing my Podcast consistently, and Blogging more often. This means I need to set time to research everything on ‘starting and running/operating a successful business’. Getting the funds to do it. Plus doing interviews and finding content to blog and Pod’ about. Traveling various places to make it happen. Add my hobby, daily meditation and work… Oh, and sleep. That’s a ton of things to do but I have to prioritize. I know I can get it done.
We have spent the past years worrying and helping others out. It is time we put ourselves FIRST! Start that Business doing something you love. We have to start making time for things that make us happy. Doing things we love and why not hustle at the same time.
Travel to those far away places. Or, Shyt! Stay domestic with your travels but Just DO YOU! Life is too short to be out in this crazy world sad and feeling alone. Make yourself happy. Stop relying on other people to do it because BayBeee, Noone will meet your expectations until you know your own worth. You are Enough!! You deserve to be here.
At the same time, You have to protect your own peace and I can never stress that enough. “STANDING ON BUSINESS” became a popular phrase IN 2024 and I will be doing just that! I will say what I mean and mean what I say and I can no longer care about hurting feelings. I am choosing ME! I am also learning how to embrace and celebrate even my small wins because a Win is a WIN!
I am wishing you all a happy safe and successful Twenty-Twenty Five. Love those who Love you back. And as Always,