“Focusing on Me More, in 20-24”

If you have been a long time reader of this blog, WHATs THE WORD, then you know my 1st blog of each year, Welcoming the NEW YEAR, doesn’t happen until February. I don’t count January because we need time to get rid of old friends, family members, pain, guilt. We also need time to Heal, plan on how to move forward in various areas of our lives; work out the kinks. And take time to Congratulate ourselves for the things we DID accomplish the previous year.
I am happy to say, 2023 was very good to me. My Motto was, “Focusing on Me, in 20-23”. In order to do this, I set goals that were reachable. I didn’t plan out the entire year in January. This was something I’d always done. Instead I took it Month by Month, Week by Week. I made a Bucket List of places I wanted to travel to. Nothing Outrageous and within my means. I made a list of things I needed closure on. By doing this, I got a ton of Shyt done.
So, allow me to Officially say to you all,
2024 has already started off on a good foot. This year, my Motto is, “Focusing on ME More, in Twenty-Twenty Four!” If you read my last blog, you know I’ve already put this lifestyle in motion. POD CON 2024 <- if not click). It’s 2024 and this year we not letting people play in our face…. now, I hope yall read that in my voice because I’m, DeadAzz!
I hope 2023 was good to you all as well. Whatever you did to get things done, continue doing it. As they say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” At the same time, I’m sure there were a lot of low moments but HERE YOU ARE! We always get caught up in the things we cannot get done but stop for a second and think about what you DID work out.
This year, 2024, I will continue to get out more and travel. I’m going to make a list of 5 locations I want to go to and not in any order but the timeframe will be, by 12/31/2024.I want to make new friends my age who like doing things I enjoy doing or want to try doing. I’m definitely going to be trying new foods this year. There are books I want to read and while I’m doing all of this I will be learning everything I need to know about running a business.
We must continue to check on our friends, our family and even our co-workers. Most of all, please make sure your grown kids are OK because (if you raised them right) they wont always let you know when they are going through things. They prefer to not have you worry and think they can figure it out by themselves. I am not saying not to let them but we must continuously assure them that although they are living on their own, in a relationship, married, WHATEVER, that we will always hold them down.
I had a habit of sometimes allowing people back into my life and it has always backfired. Last year was no different. Then I seen something that said something to the effect of, ‘Sometimes although we love something/someone, we must let them go,,, if they come back, That means Ain’t Nobody Want Them Either!!!’ Hahaha. So moving forward, if I have removed folks from my world, I don’t care how long ago it was; I don’t care who it is, I am not allowing them back into my life. No Matter how much I miss or think about them. This Too Shall Pass.
Lets also make it a habit to ask teachers, cashiers, waiters/waitresses, bartenders, bus drivers/train operators etc., how they’re doing. Especially if these are people you see daily. I am consistent with where I get my Chai and Coffee. My B.E.C (BaconEgg&Cheese). Daily bus/Train, to and from work. I have a friendship/relationship, kinda-sorta with the people who provide me service. We have to get in the habit of remembering, not every smile means we are happy. However, if we share a smile with someone, it really does go along way.
Again, I hope this year is a step forward in your Purpose and Greatness. I hope you continue reading and sharing my blog and podcast. I really do appreciate those of you who have been doing so already.
Love you babe keep writing, keep
Exploring, keep reaching for that bag , keep doing you .🩷🩷🩷 There’s a blessing with your name on it.