Happy Holidays to you and yours. I had been waiting for this day all year. Christmas Day 2023. I felt like a kid who was waiting for Santa to bring all of the gifts I asked for. What I appreciated the most was, this was the 2nd time this year I wanted to do something that was special to me and my family was game. *The first time was earlier this year in Africa when my family experienced the Elephants with me simply because it was something I wanted to do.*
We planned for this day right after Thanksgiving because we are spread out in various States. My baby sis offered to host us for Christmas at her home in Baltimore. And we were 9 people deep in my sisters one bedroom apartment but we made it work. Head to foot between the bed, 2 blow up mattresses a pull out couch and cushions. When you come from a huge family like mines, it aint no sweat.
Christmas morning started out with my mom making a huge breakfast with the help of my sister, Jenn. We all showered and got dressed in our Purple outfits. Minus my son and sister, Jazz, who both wore Red. We reserved tickets in advance and headed to the 2:30p.m show at the AMC in Owings Mills, MD. We took 2 cars and we met inside. When we seen people in Purple, we knew what movie they were going to see. Also as a sidebar, the BALTIMORE RAVENS were also playing against the 49ers Christmas evening. (They won by the way: 33-19)
I hadn’t been to the movies in a while and was glad we went straight in to our seats right AT 2:30p.m because to our surprise there were no COMING ATTRACTIONS. The movie started as soon as the lights dimmed. I sat next to a stranger who was also a huge Color Purple Fan. We both jittered in our seats with excitement. I had my nachos courtesy of my son and reclined my seat back.
Before hand, there were tons of promotions and previews going on leading up to this opening day and we’d seen Taraji, H.E.R., Fantasia, Oprah and Danielle Brook, grace the red carpets and purple carpets and even Essence Magazine cover (November/December 2023) and although Halle Bailey also stars in this film, she was not on the promotional tour.
To my surprise, even still, I had no idea The Color Purple had the amount of amazing other actors and actresses in this film. Ciara, Deon Cole, Jon Baptiste, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, just to name a few. Even Whoopi Goldberg makes a guest appearance. The Choreography,,, MY GAWD!!! I waited until the end just to prove to myself I was right when I said to myself, ‘Fatima has to be the Choreographer. She has to be!’ And sure’nuff, The Emmy nominated, Legend, Beautiful, Fatima Robinson was behind all of the dope moves in this film. If you don’t know her, you’ve seen her work dating back to working with Aaliyah, as well as, Selena Gomez, Kendrick Lamar, and Beyoncé’s recent RENAISSANCE World Tour.
This movie was so Good, I went to see it twice in its Opening week. 3 days later, Me & My bestie caught a Matinee in Virginia Beach. The Color Purple is a stand alone film by far, meaning, even if you have NOT read the book, seen the original film or the play on BROADWAY you will Still love this film. If you’ve seen everything I mentioned, YOU. WILL. LOVE. THIS. FILM. EVEN. MORE!
This film shows how hard it was back in the days but love will always concur all. And how to keep hope Alive. It also shows how every dog has his day. Karma is a Bitch. You can chose to live the life you want the way you want and folk will read you as filth but in due time, Love always finds its way back. This biggest take away for me from this film was, when you keep God first, HE will bless you in HIS time. We never know when and how but when we hold on to faith, everything works out for our lives. The road wont be easy. As well as, we can love a man with our last breath but if he ain’t treating you right, you better say, HELL NO!
The Color Purple has a Sound Track I purchased on iTunes and can’t seem to stop listening to. We get to hear Taraji P. Henson sing. She sounds Wonderful. There’s a song with H.E.R and Usher. Tamela Mann. And of course Fantasia SANGS! The trained dancer and Choreographer in me has been making up so many routines in my head every time I listen.
I hope you all get out and check this film out. More than once. Take someone with you. The box office sales from Opening day made a Whopping 18 Million dollars. By the weeks end, it was over 50 Million. Go out and support this work. The actors worked hard and they deserve all the awards available. I cannot wait for it to come out on streaming networks. Back in the days I’d wait for VHS or DVD but in todays world those are none existent, lol.
I love that we experienced that movie together. I honestly loved the new movie more than the original.
Thank you for going with me to see this film (again). I’m bias but this latest version is my new favorite of all the versions.
I love reading your posts Ma ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for reading. I am glad you enjoyed.