Women’s History Month…

March is Women’s History Month. I am the mother of 4 Amazing kids: 1 son and 3 daughters. To be honest, this is the first year I am truly embracing being a Beautiful Black Queen, at the age of 40. For the last year I’ve been on a Spiritual Journey and I am surrounding myself with positive motivating women. Growing up I never rocked with too many females outside of my family since I have a lot of girl-cousins. No real need for girlfriends. So for me, letting women into my personal space is all new.
In June 2016 I started taking a look at my life, seeing where I was and I wanted to make changes before I started my 40 and fabulous chapter in 2017. I started paying attention to the women in my circle then realized I needed to make a few changes. This meant I had cut off long term friends as well as family and all those who served no purpose in my life. I had to rid myself of those who did not call or text me like I did them. Those who made my face turn up, Mean Mug Style, when they DID call or text. All those who never supported my goals and dreams and all those who’ve carried negative energy every time I came in contact with them. *You know the type: the negative speakers the ones who want to gossip. The ones who want to complain about everything. The ones who always sees the glass 1/2 empty instead of 1/2 full*
I think women in general can all learn from one another but Black Women have this attitude as if we are in a constant competition with each other. I’ve never understood why this was. I think we are all beautiful and our Melanin Stay Poppin! We come in different Shades and Tones. Shapes and Sizes. We all have similar struggles in life when it comes to being a Strong Black Women. We have all suffered from a lot of the misconceptions and ways people portray us to be. (loud, opinionated, THOTs, Welfare recipients w/many different fathers to our children… If I’m Keeping It All The Way Real!) But there are those who are showing & proving that We Can be Successful. We can build together. Inspire one another and for sure, We can take the world by storm. We are ALL Beautiful. We should work hand in hand to help empower each other. There’s enough out here for us All to eat!
Some of you (Ladies/Girls) wont understand because you may be a part of my ‘younger’ readers so you haven’t lived long enough yet or you’re just not in that ‘space’ in life. Or maybe you have been scorned too many times in the past making your trust when it comes to females non-existent. Whatever it is I can assure you by the time you reach my age, you will Ovastand! Simply TRUST THE PROCESS! If you have current Female friends, no matter what, understand, under No Circumstances are you obligated to continue that friendship if they mean you no good. Do not keep bad energy and bad people in your life. Family included.
“Sometimes we have to charge Family & Friends to the Game!” ~Tariq Nasheed
In this game of life, its all about what YOU make it. So you may as well make it Great. You set your boundaries. You set the pace of your life. If you put yourself around ignorant, pessimistic people, that is the energy you will carry. I guarantee its a set up for misery. I recently told my daughter, who, one day while I was ear-hustling, overheard her telling someone about (another) terrible situation that she had just been involved in with a “friend” who I have constantly warned her about. When she hung up I had to let her know that 1st, Yes, I was being Nosy!!! Then I asked her if she ever realized how every time her and that girl linked up, some Bullshyt took place. Always drama whether directly or indirectly. I told her she had to leave that girl alone. Stay away from her. Hopefully she took heed this time.
With that being said, it’s now 2018. I’m paying better attention to the women of color around me. I’m surrounding myself with women I can build, learn and grow from as well as with. Some women are here to motivate us. Some are just here for us to learn from their trials and tribulations. We All serve a purpose. I am going to women empowerment gatherings, also networking events. I support Women in Business in general. I believe we come in contact with people for a reason. I am appreciative to the women who are breaking barriers. Starting, Joining & Supporting the current campaigns like TIMES UP and the ME TOO Movement.
I love how (DJ) Beverly Bonds started BLACK GIRLS ROCK (www.BlackGirlsRockInc.com // @BlackGirlsRock). On the ABOUT US page from the website, it explains,
“BLACK GIRLS ROCK! Inc. is 501(c)3 non-profit youth empowerment and mentoring organization established to promote the arts for young women of color, as well as to encourage dialogue and analysis of the ways women of color are portrayed in the media. Since 2006, BLACK GIRLS ROCK! has been dedicated to the healthy development of young women and girls. BLACK GIRLS ROCK! seeks to build the self-esteem and self-worth of young women of color by changing their outlook on life, broadening their horizons, and helping them to empower themselves. Since 2006, we have enjoyed the opportunity to enrich the lives of girls aged 12 to 17 years old through mentorship, arts education, cultural exploration and public service. At BLACK GIRLS ROCK!, young women are offered access to enrichment programs and opportunities that place special emphasis on personal development through the arts and cooperative learning. By speaking to the next generation in their formative years about issues of self-worth, goals, and aspirations, the organization reinforces the message that young women need not objectify themselves or relinquish their autonomy. BLACK GIRLS ROCK! has boldly taken on the crisis of our female youth of color here in America head on and understands the need for positive self-images and a strong sense of awareness.”
I wish I had something like this available when I was growing up. It’s easier to believe we can achieve anything we set our minds to when we see it with our own eyes. I recommend you pick up the new released copy of “BLACK GIRLS ROCK! Owning Our Magic. Rocking Our Truth.” Edited by Ms. (DJ) Beverly Bond.
I say all of this to say, WE ROCK! All Women! We are Powerful! We can work together. Help our fellow sistahs accomplish their dreams as they push us towards ours. Cheer them on. Purchase their products. Make donations. Go out to their Events. Even when you can’t make it, pay it forward by buying a ticket for someone else. We are more than just Mothers and Wives. We are Stylist, Fashion designers, Motivational speakers, Lawyers, Artist and so much more. Invite some ladies out for a creative Ladies Light (Sip&Paint is the New Wave). It’s Okay to pay a compliment to a Queen when you see her on the Streets. Smile. Give Credit when its due. And as always,